Bee Access

Outriggers & Rigging Sleeves

Product information

Outriggers are an alternative option for supporting suspended access equipment. Transportable outrigger beams can be repositioned where needed on a building and secured to permanent stands or anchors. Back-fed outriggers allow the suspension wire rope(s) to be secured to the rear portion of the beam and fed through the beam to the ground. Push-thru outriggers slide through stands in the wall providing access to a building’s façade. We offer all of the following types of outriggers and rigging sleeves:

  • Transportable Tie-Down Outrigger/Beam
  • Push-Thru Outrigger/Beam
  • Fixed Outrigger/Beam
  • Back-fed Outrigger/Beam
  • Rigging Sleeve “Pigeon Hole”
Permanent Equipment Brochure Permanent Equipment Brochure Permanent Equipment Brochure Permanent Equipment Brochure
Permanent Equipment Brochure Permanent Equipment Brochure Permanent Equipment Brochure Permanent Equipment Brochure
Product information

Outriggers are an alternative option for supporting suspended access equipment. Transportable outrigger beams can be repositioned where needed on a building and secured to permanent stands or anchors. Back-fed outriggers allow the suspension wire rope(s) to be secured to the rear portion of the beam and fed through the beam to the ground. Push-thru outriggers slide through stands in the wall providing access to a building’s façade. We offer all of the following types of outriggers and rigging sleeves:

  • Transportable Tie-Down Outrigger/Beam
  • Push-Thru Outrigger/Beam
  • Fixed Outrigger/Beam
  • Back-fed Outrigger/Beam
  • Rigging Sleeve “Pigeon Hole”